DR3 FastpitchΒ Blog
Did you attend the Virtual PitchPerfect Clinic hosted by Coach D?? If not, I have an insider video for you!! Check out the video to learn a quick tip from Coach D on how to perfect your Curveball!
To keep up with camps and clinics going forward click the link below!!
Have you heard of DR3 Fastpitch's 7 Steps of Pitching??? Well if you haven't you're in for a TREAT!!
The whole goal of DR3's pitching mechanics is to help them understand their body, how it moves, and how to move it with reduced injury risk. Coach D has put together a FREE video to...
So proud of you Miss Ari!!! My littles have my heart! Seeing her pop dad’s mit from 35ft in such a short amount of time brings me so much joy!!!
Order of Pitching Programs on DR3FastpitchU based on skill set level:
1) Pitching 101: Introduction to Pitching
2) Pitching 102: Introduction to...

Membership Progression:
When you join our membership, you'll immediately gain access to 10 pitching plans, biomechanics insights, the exercise/rehab library, and the spin library.
At the 40-day mark, you'll unlock the Absolutes Drill Library and 10+ Intermediate Pitching Plans that combine the...
Considering signing up for the DR3 Online Pitching Membership? If you are check out of previous blog post about the benefits of online instruction: DR3 Online Membership Informational Blog Post
If you're wondering what an online membership looks like we're giving you an inside look at...

We love using the @spindr_softball while warming up our pitches! We even like throwing it full speed as it’s the perfect visual / tattle tail for spin rate