DR3 FastpitchΒ Blog

From Shy to Strike: Pitcher’s Journey to Confidence Apr 29, 2024

Many athletes, especially softball pitchers, can relate to being in the spotlight, where every move is critical and the pressure is high. This feeling is not unlike the struggle of overcoming shyness, where every social interaction feels like a judgment. This blog explores how the journey from...

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The Silent Pitch: How Body Language Influences Pitching Apr 13, 2024

In the world of softball pitching, success hinges not just on physical skill but also on the unspoken language of the body. Understanding and harnessing the power of body language can elevate a pitcher's game and intimidate the opposition before the ball is even released. Here are essential body...

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Mastering Low-Stress Communication in Softball Pitching: The Power of Positive Intentions Apr 08, 2024

Softball pitching isn't just about physical prowess; it's also about effective communication both on and off the field.

Inside the Prodigy Pitching Academy for beginner pitchers, we understand that communication plays a vital role in the success of any pitcher. That's why we've curated three easy...

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Minnesota Powerhouse Pitcher Dec 16, 2023
This girl is the definition of coachable. She has bought in to EVERYTHING my Online Pitching Membership has to offer over the last 3 years and has become a powerhouse 13 year old pitcher in Minnesota. I can’t wait to see what her future holds!
Free trial going on! I’d love to...
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Proper Pitching Body Alignment Nov 10, 2023
Powerline or External Spine?! 
Understanding proper body alignment is #IMPORTANT in order to generate maximum velocity & accuracy.
I’d love to teach you more inside my Online Pitching Membership!
Thank you @mcknight_softball_instruction for introducing me to...
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The Importance of Proper Body Movements in Fastpitch Pitching Oct 23, 2023
This is how we do it 😎
This video speaks for itself πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
I highly encourage all pitchers & pitching families to research how to properly move your body. Find an instructor who knows how to protect your body and teach you safe movement patterns. 
I’m guilty of not...
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Pitching Tool: Queen of the Hill Sep 26, 2023
It’s time to #LEVELUP your at home training & I have all the resources for you πŸ₯Ž Take a look at my Online Pitching Membership πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ’ͺ🏽
dr3fastpitch.com➑️DR3FastpitchU➑️Pitching 201: Online Pitching Membership 
#DeepBreath #NextPitch #LEVELUP 
One of my favorite...
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Explosive Training: Why it MATTERS for Your Softball Pitcher Sep 17, 2023
Why Explosive Training Matters for Softball Pitchers:
* Muscle Power: Develop fast-twitch muscle fibers for explosive strength.
* Leg Drive: Improve force generation from the ground up.
* Core Stability: Enhance stability for efficient energy transfer.
* Speed and Agility: Boost...
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Collegiate Fastpitch Softball Player's Lesson Drills for Separation Sep 14, 2023
Are you ready to #LEVELUP your training this fall?! I’d love to help guide you through my Online Membership πŸ’―πŸ₯Ž
For more information, go to ➑️ DR3FastpitchU ➑️ Pitching 201: Online Membership to learn more πŸ’―
30 day $ back guarantee πŸ’°
#DeepBreath #NextPitch...
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Fastpitch Softball Pitching Power Positioning Sep 12, 2023
The “Magic” exercise this week that helped all my pitchers FEEL their weight properly shift πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ₯Ž This transitioned SO well into their full motion. #HappyCoach #ProudCoach #GrindSeason 
@footdoctor_esia #FDECoach 
The progressions we did are recently added in Week 2...
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