DR3 Fastpitch Blog

5 Tips to Reignite Your Softball Pitching Passion Jun 18, 2024

Are you feeling stuck in your softball pitching journey? Overcome inertia with these 5 actionable tips to reignite your passion and propel your game forward.

Update Your Skills: Just like updating your resume, review your pitching skills. Are you proud of your recent accomplishments on the mound?...

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The Power of Relaxation Techniques for Softball Pitchers May 21, 2024

Softball pitching demands focus and composure, but the pressure of the game can sometimes lead to stress and tension. In this post, we'll explore how incorporating relaxation techniques can benefit softball pitchers, helping them stay calm and perform at their best on the mound.

  1. Hug Someone: A...

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Failure as Fuel: Harnessing Setbacks as a Pitcher May 11, 2024

In mastering softball pitching, failure isn't a roadblock; it's fuel for growth and improvement. This blog explores how pitchers can harness setbacks as catalysts for success, turning adversity into an advantage on the path to greatness.

The Growth Mindset: Embracing the Learning Journey


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The Psychological Game: Pitching Beyond the Mound May 05, 2024

Success in softball pitching extends beyond the physical act of throwing the ball. It's a psychological game where understanding the mental frameworks of successful people can provide a significant edge. The journey to mastering pitching is as much about mental preparation and resilience as...

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Mastering Time Management to Become a Superior Pitcher Apr 19, 2024

The Intersection of Leadership and Management in Softball

In softball pitching, leadership entails setting ambitious goals, while management focuses on efficiently achieving them. Both are essential for pitching success. Leadership involves defining career aspirations and charting a path to reach...

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Breaking Boundaries: The Key to Pitching Success Mar 03, 2024

Limiting beliefs is another common mistake pitchers make in their goal-setting process. By setting boundaries around what they think is possible, they inadvertently cap their potential. The mindset of "I'll never be able to pitch faster than 70 mph" is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The stories of...

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Game Day Glory: Preparing for Success Mar 02, 2024

Hey Softball Parents!

Game days are the culmination of all the hard work and dedication your young athlete has put into their training. As they gear up to take the field, it's essential to ensure they're mentally and physically prepared for the challenges ahead. Here are some tips to help them...

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Mastering the Basics: Building Strong Foundations Feb 29, 2024

Hey Softball Parents!

As your young athlete embarks on their softball journey, it's crucial to ensure they have a solid foundation in the fundamentals of the game. Today, let's focus on mastering the basics to set them up for success on the field!

  1. Gripping Success: Start by teaching your child...

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Four-Seven-Eight Breathing Challenge Feb 27, 2024


  • Sit or stand comfortably in a relaxed position.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four seconds.
  • Hold your breath for a count of seven seconds.
  • Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth for a count of eight seconds.
  • Repeat the cycle for a designated number of...
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The Mentality Series - 1 Oct 29, 2023

The Foundation of Mental Flexibility in Athletics

Flexibility in sports goes beyond physical prowess; it's about having a flexible mindset. In this blog post, we explore the core principles of mental flexibility that are essential for elite athletes. We'll dive into the significance of being open...

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