Work With What You Have: Different set-ups for my online pitching membership athletes
Oct 27, 2023Many questions about at home set ups for my online membership pitchers & live lessons this fall/winter! This is a great example & one I share often to spark ideas for garages, basements, bonus rooms, etc. I’ve worked with over 1200 pitchers virtually in the last 3.5 years and have seen so many different home set ups that have worked, even if a few caught me by surprise 

Ex. 1: In a barn - I never thought I’d have to tell a pitcher, “don’t hit the goats,” in the middle of a lesson as they kept crossing over the lane
But - she never once was distracted by them! I was more nervous/distracted about the goats then she ever was

Ex. 2: Mom’s walk in closet - using home made sock balls to throw against the drywall because brother was having a birthday party outside and my girl (9) wanted “Peace and Quiet” during her lesson 

Ex. 3: Pitcher was in the kitchen, net was set up in the living room (15ish feet away), mom was recording in the dining room - utilizing 3 rooms due to rain, but made it work & nothing broke!

What’s your set up like?! Comment below or send me a picture/video!
If you don’t have a set up, be creative!!! I’d love to help you come up with an idea as well, all you need is just a little space to get 1% better each day 

Thank you @travislmiller for putting this video together for me to share #DeepBreath #NextPitch #LEVELUP