DR3 FastpitchΒ Blog
Considering signing up for the DR3 Online Pitching Membership? If you are check out of previous blog post about the benefits of online instruction: DR3 Online Membership Informational Blog Post
If you're wondering what an online membership looks like we're giving you an inside look at...
If you haven't already - download Coach D's NEW E-Book: From Growth Spurts to Curveballs
This is a FREE download for parents, players, and coaches!! Click the link below to get your copy today:
Check out Page 6 below!
YOU are your biggest advocate. In your day to day life and especially in your sports career it is crucial for you to advocate for yourself when something isn't right.
One of my biggest regrets in my career is allowing a coach to tell me "I was fine" and that "I didn't know how to handle...
Dear Parents of Aspiring Fastpitch Softball Pitchers,
Navigating the world of online pitching lessons might seem daunting, but with the DR3 Fastpitch Online Pitching Membership, your daughter is in capable hands! I know it's easy to assume that online courses simply provide techniques and then...
Coach D offers TWO video evaluation options to help your pitcher #Elevate and #Dominate in the circle! Check out the packages below and click the link for more information! >>> DR3 Video Evaluation <<<
The term "Student Athlete" can feel both like a badge of honor and a burden at the same time. It's difficult to be an athlete, a friend, a daughter, and a student all at the same time. One of the most important lessons to learn early in your journey of being a student athlete is time...
Checkout this FREE download of where your players should be in different defensive scenarios! Click the link to get your copy today! >>> DR3 Fastpitch Fielding Responsibilities Diagram <<<